Frequently Asked Questions

Is B-Cure Laser safe?

Yes. B-Cure Laser is based on soft laser, which is low power laser. It does not heat or cool, is not invasive and completely safe for individuals ranging from one-year-old children to seniors. No protective eye-wear or goggles are required. With over 350,000 units distributed worldwide, no known side effects have been reported to date.

Will I experience any pain during treatment with B-Cure Laser?

No. B-Cure laser treatment is not invasive and pain-free.

Which area of the body can I treat?

You can treat any area of the body except the following:

  • Do not aim the laser beam at the eyes.
  • Pregnant individuals should avoid using the device on their abdomen.
  • Avoid treating areas with malignant tumors.

Consulting your physician prior to usage is highly advised.

What conditions can B-Cure Laser help manage?

B-Cure Laser is used to manage pain, including chronic back and neck pain, knee pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS), and Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. It may also assist in treating acute and chronic wounds and support acupuncture treatment.

What is treatment course and dosage?

Begin with 1.5 minutes per treatment point, gradually increasing to 6 minutes over 24 hours. Treat twice daily. You may increase to 4 treatments daily. For acute pain, trauma, or non-chronic aches, start with 8 minutes from the first treatment.

Why should I start with only one and a half minutes?

The directive aims to prevent worsening pain in cases where inflammation is present. After an initial treatment of 1.5 minutes, if no pain increase occurs, it’s recommended to proceed with the full treatment protocol of six minutes, twice daily, for subsequent sessions. However, if pain is experienced, the treatment duration should be gradually increased by about one minute per day per treatment point, until the 6-minute full duration is reached.

Why does my pain seem to increase after treatment, and what should I do about it?

The increase in your pain after treatment may be due to inflammation at the treatment point. In this situation, stop treatment for 24 hours. Then, resume with a 1.5-minute dose, gradually increasing by one minute per day per treatment area until reaching the full 6-minute duration.

What is the coverage area of the B-Cure Laser? If my treatment area is larger, what should I do?

The laser beam covers an area of 4.5 cm long and 1 cm wide. If your treatment area exceeds these dimensions, repeat treatments on the adjacent area until the entire treatment area is covered.

What are the treatment recommendations for common conditions?

The recommended time for each point of treatment is 6 minutes, 2-4 times a day.

For all recommended treatment therapies, consult the human body illustration treatment points.

Body Illustration Treatment Points
  1. Chronic back pain – Treat lengthwise along the painful vertebrae of the lower back, to the left and the right of the spine. For Ischia – pain radiating to the lower limb – Identify the focal point of the pain by touch and treat it.
  2. Chronic neck pain – Treat a) Lengthwise, along the vertebra. b) Treat each side of the neck, lengthwise; under the ear lobe, and exactly at the indentation behind the jaw.
  3. Knee pain – Treat the sore knee a) On the back of the knee along the inner crease. b) On the outer side of the knee, lengthwise. c) On the inner side of the knee, lengthwise. You can also treat the front of the knee, under the kneecap.
  4. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) – Treat the sore wrist a) On the inside, along the width of the joint – on the crease. b) On the inside, perpendicular to ‘a’, lengthwise. c) Treat the length of the thumb, along the pad. You can also treat the back of the hand, at the gap between the thumb and the bone of the index finger towards the joint, and from both sides of the joint, lengthwise.
  5. Fibromyalgia – Treat the aching area.
  6. Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) – Treat the aching area.
  7. TemporoMandibular Joint Disorder – Treat along the length and width of the TemporoMandibular joint.
  8. Adjunctive treatment for acute and chronic wounds – Treat over the entire wound area.

Tip: Always start from the most painful point and then move to other spots, so as to ensure you are treating the central problem first, to the best of your knowledge.

What is the recommendation for wound treatment?

Set treatment time to 8 minutes. Activate the laser beam and hold the device about 1 cm above the wound, motionless, until the termination of the set treatment time. If the area of the wound exceeds the size of the laser beam area (1 cm x 4.5 cm), repeat treatments on the adjacent area until the whole surface area of the wound has been covered.

In order to ease the holding of the device and improve posture, it is recommended that the B-Cure stand should be used.

Using B-Cure Laser Pro to treat diabetic wounds and hard to heal wounds, is in addition to the standard treatment and does not replace it. The illustration demonstrates treating a wound that is 4 cm wide and requires two consecutive treatments. Place the device, for 8 minutes, on one area unit, and then, set it again for 8 minutes and treat the adjacent area unit. Make sure, to perfectly cover the margins of the wound measuring 3 millimeter on each side.

Treatment Foot Ulcer
How long should I wait between treatments?

In cases of acute pain, it is recommended to wait five minutes between treatments and apply treatment as frequently as possible. For managing chronic pain, two to three treatments per day are advised, with additional sessions as needed, depending on the patient’s comfort. There is no risk of overdose.

Does the B-Cure Laser need to be placed directly on the body?

It is recommended to place the device directly on the skin, avoiding use over clothing, bandages, or other coverings, except for open wounds. In the case of open wounds, keep a distance of approximately 1 cm from the area to maintain hygiene.

Do not press the device too firmly against the skin, as this may stop its operation. The B-Cure Laser should be applied gently and kept still, positioned at a right angle to the area being treated.

Should I move the device during treatment?

No. Don’t move the device during the treatment. Once you have identified the treatment area, the B-Cure Laser should remain stationary throughout the treatment until you move to the next spot.

I experience pain in multiple areas of my back and limbs. Can I treat several areas of my body at the same time?

Absolutely! You can complete the treatment on your knee, then move on to your neck, and if needed, address a burn on your hand as well. There’s no limit to the number of treatments, and you can extend the treatment time to up to 15 minutes for a specific area. While we recommend thoroughly treating one area before moving to the next, you can certainly treat multiple locations simultaneously.

Are there any contraindications for using the B-Cure Laser with medications, high blood pressure, heart problems, pacemakers, spinal implants, or joint replacements?

There are no contraindications for using the B-Cure Laser with medications, high blood pressure, heart problems, pacemakers, spinal implants, or joint replacements. However, in cases of severe inflammation, you may experience increased joint sensitivity during treatment, which should gradually decrease as the inflammation subsides. For treating inflammation, start gradually. Begin with 1.5 minutes on each treatment point on the first day, increasing by one minute daily until you reach the full protocol of 6 minutes, twice daily.

Can I use B-Cure Laser together with anti-coagulants?

There is no reason to avoid using the B-Cure Laser while taking anti-coagulants.

How quickly will I notice changes, and what is the recommended dosage for B-Cure Laser treatment?

You may start to see improvements within three days to three weeks, depending on individual factors and the severity of the condition. Many people notice positive changes within the first few days, though issues like inflammation may take more time. For optimal results, apply the B-Cure Laser for 6–8 minutes on each treatment area, twice daily. The user guide included with your B-Cure Laser device provides detailed instructions for each type of treatment.

Has the effectiveness of the B-Cure Laser been clinically proven?

Clinical studies demonstrate the positive impact of low-level laser technology in treating pain, orthopedic conditions, inflammation, and wounds. Over 2,000 publications, including more than 100 double-blind studies, support the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy. The efficacy of the B-Cure Laser for pain and wound treatment has been confirmed through five double-blind clinical trials on humans, with an additional five trials currently underway. One notable clinical trial involving 90 patients found that the effectiveness of the B-Cure Laser was comparable to that of pain relief medication (Del Vecchio et al., Joint-Related Pain (TMJ), Sapienza University, Rome, Italy).

Can medication, ointments, physiotherapy, shock wave, etc. be combined with the use of B-Cure Laser?

Any treatment can be combined with B-Cure Laser.

Why doesn’t my doctor or orthopedic surgeon recommend the B-Cure Laser device?

Some doctors actively endorse the innovative B-Cure Laser and its underlying technology. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been utilized for over 50 years in various medical fields. While some orthopedic surgeons and physiotherapists may prefer traditional methods, not all patients find oral or injected medications, physiotherapy, or surgery suitable. The B-Cure Laser offers an alternative, allowing you to take control of your treatment and take control of your pain anywhere, anytime.

How does the B-Cure Laser compare to other devices on the market, and are there any similar devices that function in the same way?

There are various devices on the market, such as TENS units, ultrasound, magnets, shock-wave therapy, and infrared, which are mainly designed for pain relief. In contrast, the B-Cure Laser not only alleviates pain but also addresses the root cause of the issue. It utilizes Class 1 Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), or cold laser technology, which doesn’t burn or heat the tissue and doesn’t require protective goggles. This technology stimulates cells and promotes ATP production at the cellular level. Currently, no other LLLT device designed for professional home use has as many case studies demonstrating its high efficacy.

The patented laser beam covers an area of 4.5 cm², ensuring effective and efficient treatment. It delivers therapeutic results comparable to stationary, high-cost clinic devices, all within a portable, rechargeable, and user-friendly unit.

What should I do once the pain and inflammation have subsided? Should I continue using the B-Cure Laser device or discontinue treatment?

For acute pain, you can stop the treatment once relief is achieved. For chronic pain and inflammation, we recommend gradually reducing the treatment to once a day and continuing for a full 30 days. This helps maintain results and prevent the recurrence of pain and/or inflammation.

How do I know the device is in operation?

The device indicates that it is working in three ways: the green light, the countdown of the treatment time, and the beep sound.

Should the left-hand button be held throughout the treatment?

You don’t need to hold any buttons continuously. Simply press and hold the left operating button, then press the main operating button. Release both buttons at the same time to activate the B-Cure Laser’s automatic operation mode.

Can I use my B-Cure Laser while it’s plugged in and charging?

B-Cure Laser should not be used when it is connected to the charger.

How do I know when the batteries are empty?

When the battery power is low, the black line above the two right-hand digits on the display will shorten.

How long the batteries should be replaced?

Batteries should be replaced every 12-18 months. Be sure to use AAA rechargeable batteries.

How do I know that the batteries are fully charged?

When the B-Cure Laser is completely charged, the letters “FULL” appear on the display. In addition, above the two right-hand digits on the display, a full, black line will appear.

For how long should the device be charged?

The device should usually be charged once every few days, for approximately seven hours, or overnight, depending on the scope of use.

What is the wear and tear on the device, and how can it be repaired if it breaks down?

B-Cure Laser is designed to work for many years. It is desirable to replace the three rechargeable batteries (AAA) after about 12 ~ 18 months. In the event of malfunction, please contact customer service. The B-Cure Laser has two years warranty for both Pro and Classic models.

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